January is Thyroid Awareness Month

Did you know that January is known as Thyroid Awareness Month? This time is meant to call attention to the thyroid gland and the many health problems people around the world may face with it. Thyroid disease is an important condition that needs to be better understood by the public in order to help boost future treatments and diagnoses. 

There are around twenty million Americans that currently have some type of thyroid cancer, with a majority being unaware of their disease. If you aren’t aware, the thyroid is a tiny gland located at the base of the neck. It serves to make hormones that get sent into the bloodstream and to the tissues in our bodies. Hormones from the thyroid gland are used for digestion, regulating body temperature, metabolism, and many other functions. 

Types of Thyroid Disease

There are many conditions and diseases that are related to the thyroid. One type of thyroid disease is known as hyperthyroidism. This condition comes about when someone’s thyroid is being more active than normal and is usually common in people under the age of fifty. 

As time goes on, hyperthyroidism brings harm to a person’s body and leaves them feeling fatigued. Some symptoms include insomnia, a large appetite, lots of sweating, diarrhea, and fast heart rates. 

Another type of thyroid disease is known as hypothyroidism, which is the opposite of hyperthyroidism. This condition occurs when the thyroid works too slowly and is common in people over the age of sixty. 

Many people with hypothyroidism go underdiagnosed as symptoms can be similar to other conditions. Some symptoms include feeling tired, sad, gaining weight, and having brittle hair or nails. 

Thyroid cancer can come with warning signs that may include swelling of glands, a cough that doesn’t go away, and soreness in the throat. There may also be strange lumps or swelling present in the neck region. Other thyroid-related illnesses include Hashimoto’s disease, Grave’s disease, and goiter. 

Getting Diagnosed & Treated

If someone suspects they might have thyroid disease, they will need to get a blood test that measures their thyroid hormone levels. People over the age of sixty will be encouraged to take a test that stimulates their thyroid hormones to see if their gland is working the way that it should. 

When it comes to treatment, a variety of options exist for thyroid disease. Depending on the exact condition, care providers may recommend certain types of medication, surgery, therapy, or hormones. All of these treatments can help improve the health and well-being of people suffering from problems with their thyroid. 

Women and Thyroid Problems

Thyroid problems can be increasingly prominent among older women. These issues can also affect menstrual cycles and make a woman’s period too light, heavy, or inconsistent. Periods can even stop completely or be significantly delayed due to thyroid issues. 

For this reason, thyroid problems can also make it hard for women to get pregnant. Irregular menstrual cycles make it harder to conceive and may even increase the likelihood of developing ovarian cysts. Once pregnant, women with thyroid problems can suffer from additional health conditions. This may include premature labor, miscarriage, and other serious complications. 


In conclusion, understanding thyroid disease is quite important for people looking to stay healthy and identify potential health problems that may be related to this essential gland in our bodies. Getting a blood test is the only way to know how thyroid hormone levels are within the body, and it is highly recommended to undergo this test if needed. 

Thankfully, many problems with the thyroid can be treated and improved upon once a diagnosis has been given. Keeping the thyroid gland healthy and properly functioning is essential for anyone looking to optimize their health and avoid problems with their well-being.