How Creating a Health Checklist Can Boost Well-Being in 2023

As the new year kicks off, people worldwide look for ways to improve their health and well-being. Some want to shed extra pounds from the holidays while others aim to reduce stress and anxiety. Unfortunately, research shows that approximately 80% of New Year’s resolutions get abandoned by February due to lofty and often unreachable goals. 

Instead of going this route, we recommend creating a personalized health checklist that can make it easy to reach small goals and make a healthier life possible. Checklists lay out plans for the year and can be made for the entire family. Taking the time to create one can also help people reflect on their current health in a more holistic manner and identify weaknesses in certain areas. 

So what are some things that can be added to a health checklist? Keep reading to learn about some great ways to boost your well-being in the new year. 

Schedule Your Annual Physical

Scheduling your annual physical is one of the best things you can do every year to protect your health and well-being. These yearly exams allow your doctor to assess how you’re doing and potentially catch any red flags related to your health. This includes a full review of your vital signs, such as blood pressure, weight, and pulse rate. By identifying any medical issues early, doctors can treat problems before they become big problems later on. Your healthcare providers can also check your immunizations and recommend any vaccinations that could benefit your health. 

Review Your HealthCare Plan

The start of a new year is a good time to review your healthcare plan and benefits package. Take a look at your coverage details and think about how you can best leverage your plan to suit any health issues or concerns you may have. This is also a good time to look at how you want to fund any Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) or Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) that might be available to you. 

Oftentimes, healthcare plans can include benefits that may have been overlooked by the plan participants. This might include potential gym membership discounts or digital resources like free access to meditation apps. Take advantage of whatever resources you have to boost your well-being in the new year!

Plan Your Vacation Days

Did you know that over 50% of Americans don’t utilize all their paid time off? Every year, millions of vacation days get left completely unused by workers around the country. Vacation time is important for our overall well-being and mental health. Taking the time to get away can reduce stress levels and recharge us in much-needed ways. 

Of course, planning a vacation takes lots of time and energy, so it is a good idea to set some time aside to do so. This way, you won’t be scrambling to plan a vacation last minute and experiencing stress around an activity that’s meant to bring peace and relaxation. 

Set an Intention for the Year

Setting an intention is a great way to lay the foundation for everything you do this year. This intention can help you sculpt the right mindset as you embark on new adventures, goals, and health journeys. By understanding what you want to experience on a fundamental level, you can build plans that support your intention in a variety of ways. For example, if your intention was to be more mindful, you may want to start meditating or going for nature walks. 


As you can see, creating a health checklist can do wonders in helping you start the new year in a positive way. Taking the time to plan for your health needs throughout the year can make it easier to stay on track and hit small goals that could potentially lead to big changes. Make sure to schedule your annual physical exam to reap the many benefits that come with doing so. 

Reviewing your health plan can also be helpful and make it easier to find resources that support your health and well-being. Finally, make sure to set an intention for the year and plan some vacation days that allow you to rest and recharge as needed.